Saturday, April 14, 2007

Counting blessings

Have you ever read a book that puts a million of questions in your head? A book that makes you look with questioning eyes at everything? A book that helps you make analogy between different things? Opens your mind? So that the steadiness of mountains is appreciated more, drizzling behind the windows says something, that the rivers are to tell you something. It's like intriguing your interests in philosophy of the moment and the past.

Or have you ever read a novel, at which the character would make you even think about each step of the staircases you take. That it reminds you of your childhood that each stair to climb was like a Nobel-worth success. You are panting, open-eyed with pleasure and looking for more challenges. You keep on and after hours you reach the roof. The feeling is eternal; you have passed all the breath-taking obstacles, and now there is beautiful sky to look at. But it doesn't last long; you are out of another difficulty to deal with, to enjoy the feeling of making success, and you feel bored to death. (Of course, I hope your sweet daddy has erected fences). And that the stairs represents your challenges in the real world, that you need them, and when you run out of them, it's the right time to rest your soul.

I worship such writers and consider their pieces as blessings. And I was thinking good for those that live with such novelists and artists, good for those that have brain-stimulating friends.


Anonymous said...


لطفا یادداشت های تازه دفتر مطالعات سیاسی راه آینده را در اینجا بخوانید:

شاد باشید

Anonymous said...

lala maqbool ast! aks ra migum! az ki ast??????