Saturday, February 24, 2007

Forrest Gump

The feather was flown to the sky. The camera wouldn't leave its shot, so as the wind made it fly and be gone with the wind higher and higher, this unimaginably spectacular view of green trees adjacent to the peaceful lake would absorb you. Then I noticed some lines strolling up, following the feather, and that's when I realized the film was over, it was one hour after the midnight, and a night of Kabul's.

How is it that a film can influence a person? Can it? To me, an imaginary character is like a piece that you doubt it would fit in the puzzle, and but a films comes to prove it. You may have to change a puzzle a bit, though, which now I see as another reason for taking the "unorthodoxy"! Yes, I know, it's only a film, such things never happen in real life, bla, bla, bla ….

I lost the line between stupidity and simplicity. I know I fancy being one of them and I know I am one, but it's just that I'm not sure if it's the right one. I have been wondering lately; if stupid people don't scorn you, you are not being smart enough, choosing your own way, being distinct - looking unorthodox to others, is a value, ability to stay out of the majority is a virtue. If you care to respect another language, you prefer to let an old man trample over your rights and, as a cruel boss, mistreat you and to you his old age needs mercy, you happen to feel disturbed by the image of a hundred of poverty-stricken children in Afghanistan or even Sudan while you are having a nicer meal or when you see people put on extravagant makeup, you do feel bothered with the injustice in the world which you could stay out of, so-called normal people may find it disturbingly stupid, but now I say if they don't object there is something wrong with you.

It's not about calling the world crazy and recoiling from them. It's being yourself, not what they want you to be! Or maybe it's "giving more than you get".

Enough talking! Just watch it if got a chance. If you have already, watch it again maybe looking for something new; my roommate, Mohsen, has watched it four times!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ali, I just finished watching the movie and it is wonderful. I really enjoyed it, thanks for recommanding.